Account Management

Our approach to client service is grounded in our values. We pursue excellence in the way we serve, integrity in the way we structure our team, and value people and relationships above all else. Service is at the heart of everything we do.

man pointing to a presentation on a screen during a meeting - Retail Account Management page

Harvest Group teammates with our client partners, Nature Nate’s

The Proof is in Our People

Our teams comprise leaders from the world’s foremost brands and retailers, and they obsess over your success. We work as an extension of your team to proactively stay on top of your goals, acing key sales meetings, and managing the relationship with the buyer.

Highly Dedicated,
Highly Customized

Values lead how we structure our teams. We ensure our Account Managers have a low client load so each client can always be our top priority. We customize our teams to the unique needs of each client with functional experts across sales, replenishment, analytics, and business strategy.

Our Account Managers Are Trilingual

Trilingual Retail = Speaking the retail language across brick & mortar, digital commerce, & retail media

Brick & Mortar

Digital Commerce

Retail Media

Winning at retail is no longer about just in-store or even just omnichannel. Your in-store business, online business, and advertising efforts all work together and affect the success of your business. Work with a partner that speaks trilingual retail.

Learn More About Harvest Group Account Management

Connected Growth Strategy: Nature Nate's Testimonial

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Connected Omnichannel Growth Model

We understand the national retail landscape, which allows us to guide you toward your retailer and channel growth goals.

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