Written by Katie Russell, Content Team Lead, Harvest Group

Enhanced Content is Populating Again on Walmart.com

Walmart.com’s Enhanced Content (aka A+ Content, Feature Sets, or Below the Fold Content) is populating once again on Walmart.com item pages, which brings up some great questions.

The Harvest Group Content Team addresses common questions below and includes additional information to help you decide how to approach Enhanced Content on each of your item pages.

What Do We Mean When We Say Enhanced Content?

Enhanced Content lives in the “About this item” section and resides below the Product Details (Description and Key Feature bullets) under the header “About the Brand”. This section goes by a few names, such as A+ Content, Feature Sets, and Below the Fold Content. It is comprised of Marketing Modules and Comparison Charts to further educate the shopper on the item or brand using imagery such as banners and sets of square images.

Note: Videos are not permitted in this section and can only be housed in the image carousel.

How Do I Get Enhanced Content Loaded to My Walmart Pages?

Currently, Walmart’s system does not have an internal way to load Enhanced Content like you can on Amazon, so working with a partner (like Harvest Group) is required. Walmart has not indicated that they will allow suppliers to build content directly within Item 360 in the future.

If you are already partnered with a PIM (Product Information Management) or DAM (Digital Asset Management), like Salsify or Syndigo, Harvest can help activate Enhanced Content on your page today! If you would like to learn about this capability and other Harvest content offerings, reach out to hello@harvestgroup.com or fill out our Contact Us form. 

How Important is Enhanced Content in Comparison to the Rest of My Item Page?

Enhanced Content looks great on an item page, but getting to the section requires a lot of scrolling. The Enhanced Content section lives beneath the Description and Key Features section and requires an additional click to ‘See More’ on both desktop and mobile. Because so much scrolling is needed, Enhanced Content modules don’t get a lot of eyes on them, but they are still a helpful way to convey information to the shopper that chooses to scroll down. Before shifting focus to Enhanced Content, it’s essential to make sure the foundations of your item page are done right.

Get the Foundations of Your Page Right

Given the location on the page, it is vital to make sure the basics of the page are in shape. Title, Ratings/Reviews, and Images are immediately in the shopper’s line of sight when clicking into an item, which means these pieces of the page are the most important. The images in the carousel will be viewed much more often than the images in the Enhanced Content, so brand marketing teams need to put time and effort in that area.

Images should be worthy of social media swiping with informative images and lifestyle images included. The Harvest Content Team helps to assess each page to ensure the proper images and styles are being developed to appeal to each shopper that clicks into the item page.

Make Sure Your Items are Optimized for Search & Advertising

Likewise, the shopper will never see the Enhanced Content if the item does not show up in search results. Written content that is optimized for organic search and advertising allows items to be relevant for the appropriate search terms and show on Page 1. The Harvest Group Content Team uses an internally built proprietary tool, Lantern, to build keyword banks to optimize brand base content to help with both organic and paid search. The Content Team works closely with Harvest Group’s in-house Advertising Team to adjust items as needed so they are also positioned to perform well on advertising campaigns.

Do I NEED Enhanced Content on My Item Pages?

The short answer – it depends.

Enhanced Content provides another opportunity to improve search relevancy and provide compelling, branded content that pushes customers to convert.

However, you must understand the importance of each piece of an item page to build a page that will show up in search and convert the shopper to buy. Harvest Group approaches content creation holistically – evaluating how each part of the page should be built to best serve your brand, from written and digital content to the optional attributes behind the scenes.

Harvest Group has full-service content capabilities for brands looking to improve their visibility and conversion on Walmart.com. Reach out to hello@harvestgroup.com or fill out our Contact Us form to learn more!