Every year we take time as a company to reflect on the previous year, give thanks, and celebrate together as a team. At Big Meeting this year we were able to gather together to recognize our Harvest Values Winners – five individuals nominated by their teammates for embodying a Harvest value over the previous year.
We’re a values-based company, and we believe this extends far beyond a decision made by our founders years ago. These awards are just one of the ways we stop to intentionally celebrate the way our values are coming to life in the work and personal lives of our teammates.
The award winners are chosen by their peers- each employee chooses five nominees and submits a brief paragraph on why they think their nominees deserve the award. Below you can read a little bit about each of our values and what they mean to us, and then one of the nomination verbatims we’ve chosen that we think embodies why this person was chosen.
We hope you enjoy this peek into Harvest culture! And let these awards serve as a reminder to reflect and celebrate the good things in work and life.
1. Excellence
- Delivering ever-improving performance & results with humility
- Curiosity
- Client Obsessed
- Never settles for “good enough”
Previous winners: Ashton Necessary, Amanda Cornelison
Nomination comment:
“This individual strives for excellent work, excellent relationships, excellent ethics and always goes above and beyond anytime and every time we need his advice, expertise, and support. I have not ever heard an ‘I don’t know’, or ‘I can not’ from him… If I ever need assistance that needs to be supported with ALL the data available at that moment, and with kindness, I know I can get it from him!”
The 2021 Harvest Values Award for Excellence goes to……
Brad Dawson, Team Lead – Replenishment
2. Integrity
- Doing what is right in all things
- Honesty
- Keeping commitments
- Whole-hearted
Previous Winners: Shaun Turner, Mahmoud Soyed
Nomination comment:
“While working with this individual on different projects there have been multiple times where he politely asks questions to ensure we are maintaining incredible integrity in our work. Any time something sounds slightly questionable I expect and know he is about to question if we are doing the right thing. This individual not only sets the integrity bar high in his work but also in life, in his education, with his family and friends, and in his spiritual walk.”
The 2021 Harvest Values Award for Integrity goes to…….
Tony Woods, Business Innovation Engineer
3. Journey
- Embracing our past and planning our future with faith
- Innovation
- Creativity
- Adaptability
- Courage
Previous Winners: Michael Turner, Chris Ray
Nomination comment:
“This individual has had an incredible and unique journey to where he is now in his life.This individual worked hard to learn English after he arrived in the U.S. and completed both bachelor’s and master’s degrees while he was working full-time.
Along his own journey, he consistently shows how much he cares for others. Just one example: He brought his mother here to the U.S. so she could also pursue the American Dream.Even with so much change in his life, he remains extremely curious and excited to try new things, where so many others might have become resistant to change.
This shows in his continued focus on making improvements to client business, work processes, and even his own continuing education. In the midst of his journey, this individual consistently demonstrates resilience, humility, and kindness, and tenacity, and he is always the first one to offer help when it’s needed. He is a great friend, son, husband, and father, and we are blessed to have the opportunity to work with him at Harvest Group.”
The 2021 Harvest Values Award for Journey goes to……
Arley Bejerano, Senior Replenishment Insights Manager
4. Legacy
- Leaving a positive, everlasting impact
- Stewardship
- Generosity
- Balancing Work/Life
Previous Winners: Josh Richardson, Bebe Lopez-Velarde
Nomination comment:
“As Harvest has pushed toward a better understanding of social issues, particularly racial injustice and increasing knowledge, this individual has always been there to have hard conversations. She answers questions, is available, and does not shy away from what is right. She has established her Legacy at Harvest as someone who approaches difficult conversations with grace, openness, and forgiveness while the rest of us bumble along and try to learn how to do better.”
The 2021 Harvest Values Award for Legacy goes to…..
Carmen Rainey, National Account Manager
5. Relationship
- Pursuing depth, trust, and collaboration
- Leadership
- Servant heart
- Vulnerability
Previous Winners: Kali Davis, Kelsey Boote
Nomination comment:
“It is hard to imagine Harvest Group without this individual. She is a ray of light in every situation, bringing her signature spunk and sass to every meeting. Beyond being a faithful member of the party planning committee and bringing us incredible events like Field Day, she has many friends across the organization. She doesn’t just invest in those around her, she is truly an open book for anyone who needs a friend at Harvest. I have often seen her reach out to include a new person or someone who might need a friend. She is fiercely loyal to her people, and we’re lucky that all of Harvest Group qualifies as that!”
The 2021 Harvest Values Award for Relationship goes to…
Katie Ramsey, Senior Content Manager